Sunday, 23 June 2013

Music Video Analysis 4

This video is mainly performance based, there are three artists in this piece which their lip-synching was in time which effectively making video seem very authentic. Also the video is in black and white giving the video a vintage edge.

The clothing is typical of the artists in thevideo. They each had a different scheme of clothing however they all had the same style. Also their location was in a photoshoot studio. By revealing the location through an extreme longshot, it gave the audience an insight into what they were watching and gave a backstage feel  to the viewers.

The overall style of the video is quiet, young, fun and interestingly exciting for the viewer. The image presented is of being free to do what you want and having the freedom to express feelings, hence the revealing of the photoshoot studio. The target audience is for teenagers as the artists are current and what they are presenting is being 'wild' which tenagers tend to be.

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