Saturday, 13 April 2013

'Phone Calls' 2 rough cuts

'Phone Calls'

Our 2 rough cuts

These are our two rough cuts (Made using Adobe Premier Pro) for our opening sequence, we have two as there are changes which made to each as we had issues such as timing and getting the match on action right. In the first rough cut and as you can hear there is no music in the beginning and so you can see the devleopment onto the second rough cut as it runs smoother and includes all necessary music.

In this rough cut we showed 16-18 year old because they are our target audience the feedback we received was that we should add some music in the beginning. We thought this was important so we looked at some thriller openings and knew the typical music used therefore, experimented with what we could use. We went to the music department and asked them what instruments could make spooky, thrilling music and they let us experiment with the instruments then we used audacity to edit the music.
We also learnt that the font we used for our thriller was more of a horror font so we changed it from 'Chiller' to 'Courier New
Moreover, we were 43 seconds over so we knew we had to cut something out in order to get it to two minutes.
We added all these changes into our second rough cut.

  As we filmed the opening from back to front and so we began with editing the second half first, therefore we could finish editing the second half a later stage in the process. In editing we uploaded all the videos, cut all the parts which were not needed, we also added the titles onto the actual video and added the music and soundfiles which we needed to create tension and to try and begin telling the story of our movie. We also had to make a fast cutting rate to make sure there is tension and to make a scene obscurer and to make the audience want to see more of what is happening.

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