Sunday, 21 April 2013

Behind the scenes and Bloopers

This is just a sneak peak of what happened behind the scenes. The first is a video of the things going on and the second is jst a few pictures of things which happened behind the scenes.

'Phone Calls' finished product


I liked it, especially the way that you slowed down the end, you emphasised the tension. And I wanted to see more, it would've been better if there was an actual explosion at the end.
(Layla Sharif-Omar, 17)

I liked it, especially the way that you slowed down the end, you emphasised the tension. And I wanted to see more, it would've been better if there was an actual explosion at the end. (Louise Vonuz, 18)

Creating our logo

This is how we created our logo. It began with some inspiration from a picture of a bag of popcorn and escalated into creating the image on Adobe Fireworks. We looked at many different font sizes, colours and patterns for the production company's name however we ended up just using black for the writing and a black background. This logo is to be placed right at the beginning of our film sequence. The picture of popcorn for our logo symbolises that the movie youre about to watch will be interesting, so much so that you'll feel the need to eat popcorn.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

'Phone Calls' poster

This is our film poster for our film 'Phone Calls'. We created it using Adobe Fireworks and Photoshop. We decided to keep the poster subtle instead of over the top. We did this by only using two photos on the whole poster. The phone was edited using different tools on Photoshop such as filters and the razor tool. We put it against a black background to portray mystery and create a dark atmosphere symbolising what the film will be like. Plus by creating mystery it makes people want to see the film because they want to know more about the film because of the posters subtleness. The other picture is a small picture of our main actress to tell our audience who is in our film and by adding a picture of our main actress will attract her fans. Finally, we included our company logo so audiences knew who made the film. The big, white font in against black makes it stand out so audiences can see it clearly and know the film title

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Voice Over for Opening sequence

Mr Riley Voice from Chantelle Walker on Vimeo.

This is the voiceover we use in our opening sequence, the video is irrelevant as we only need to hear what he is saying in the video. We uploaded this video using vimeo as it is an easily accessible site and wanted to try using different media techniques

Monday, 15 April 2013

All music

Music for the first half

This is the first half of our music where you can hear eerie music which moves at a slow pace. We used audacity to slow down, echo and change the pitch and tempo of a musicbox and string section. We again used the software of audacity as we find that it is effective at changing how something sounds to how you want it. We have also added a ringing phone to let the audience know from the beginning that there are going to be suspicious phone calls through the movie.

Music for the second half

To make our film opening as unique as possible we created our own eerie music, in the beginning of this clip you will hear the music first being played on the piano; however, the second part allows you to hear what the music sounds like after the music had been edited with addition of pace, pitch and tempo. We did all of this using the software Audacity.

We used these options to create the sound which was perfect for us and then exported the file as an MP3 so that we could use it added with sound effects.

Together with the heartbeat sound we believe that when Briony is running down the stais it adds an essence of tension and makes the audience wonder what will happen next as the heart beat begins to get faster and she begins to run further away which is effective because we want our audience to be intrigued and for our music to play such a big role in this is quite good.

As you can hear the tension builds up throughout the song and does entice the listener as it captures the suspense and the sound of the heart beat gives the impression that this person is just focusing on getting away and the rest of the world feels like nothing compared to how she feels at that point when she is running away.

Final Piece of Music

As you can see this piece was also made using Audacity and it has a variety of sounds put into it just to make the finish seem explosive and intriguing for the rest of the movie.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

'Phone Calls' 2 rough cuts

'Phone Calls'

Our 2 rough cuts

These are our two rough cuts (Made using Adobe Premier Pro) for our opening sequence, we have two as there are changes which made to each as we had issues such as timing and getting the match on action right. In the first rough cut and as you can hear there is no music in the beginning and so you can see the devleopment onto the second rough cut as it runs smoother and includes all necessary music.

In this rough cut we showed 16-18 year old because they are our target audience the feedback we received was that we should add some music in the beginning. We thought this was important so we looked at some thriller openings and knew the typical music used therefore, experimented with what we could use. We went to the music department and asked them what instruments could make spooky, thrilling music and they let us experiment with the instruments then we used audacity to edit the music.
We also learnt that the font we used for our thriller was more of a horror font so we changed it from 'Chiller' to 'Courier New
Moreover, we were 43 seconds over so we knew we had to cut something out in order to get it to two minutes.
We added all these changes into our second rough cut.

  As we filmed the opening from back to front and so we began with editing the second half first, therefore we could finish editing the second half a later stage in the process. In editing we uploaded all the videos, cut all the parts which were not needed, we also added the titles onto the actual video and added the music and soundfiles which we needed to create tension and to try and begin telling the story of our movie. We also had to make a fast cutting rate to make sure there is tension and to make a scene obscurer and to make the audience want to see more of what is happening.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Production Schedule

Production Schedule


Title of Media Project: ‘Phone calls­­­’


Production by Emma Gannon, Chloe Higgins and Chantelle Walker

People Required
Props/equipment Required
Other Items (or a To Do list)
4th March 2013
Period 1+2
Shots 10-14
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Main Staircase 
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod
·        ‘The Package’
·        Make package
·        Find empty locker to use
7th March 2013
Period 5+6
Re filming Shots 10-14
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Main Staircase 
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod
·        ‘The Package’
8th March 2013
Lunch and Period 5+6
Preparing props for shots 1-9
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Media Room
Emma, Chloe and Chantelle
·        Photos
·        Bed
·        Phone
·        Bed Side Table
·        Flowers
·        Psychiatric ward sign
·        Chairs
·        Name card details
·        Take Photos
·        Find a phone to use
·        Create Psychiatric Ward sign
·        Create name card details
11th March 2013
Period 1+2
Shots 15-19
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls- Corridor and fire exit. 
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod
14th March 2013
Period 5+6
Edited film-cutting work using Adobe Premier Pro
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Media room
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod
19th March
Period 3+4
Shots 1-9
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Room 142
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod
·        Photos
·        Bed
·        Phone
·        Bed Side Table
·        Flowers
·        Psychiatric ward sign
·        Chairs
·        Name card details
·        Record sound for answering machine
·        Get the bed covers
21st March 2013
Period 5+6
Re film match on action shot
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls-Room 142
Emma, Chloe, Chantelle and Briony
·        Camera
·        Tripod