Monday, 28 January 2013

Casting Notes & Location Reports

Casting Notes

 Briony Ann Dillon

Aged 16- We have chosen to use Briony as she is extremely reliable and has the same time schedule as us and so we are able to work at convenient times. She has a lot of experience in acting as she has taken GCSE and A-level drama and so is good at performing. She is also very excellent at being directed and so we will be able to get her to do what we need. Her red hair is very useful in connoting danger and so overall is a great candidate to act in our movie as she is very good for the role.

Location Reports
We have chosen to use our school as the location for the movie as it has very dull colours and colours which resemble a hospital which is ideal for our movie. Also It has very useful flights of stairs which we needed showing confusion and anguish as she receives the recording. Also the transparent windows are useful as they allow the cameras to film on the other side and can be used to film the somewhat manic scenes.
We have used this room to film the beginning bedroom scene as it looks mainly like a hospital bedroom and the dull and plain colours add to the hospital look. Also the room is useful for placing the pictures on the grey boards and has a good join onto the corridor to connote being in a hospital.
We have used this flight of stairs as it consists of enough stairs to convince the audience of a hospital and have easy access to film. The colours of the stairs are highly effective as they show contrast to the manic goings on in the building. And makes it seem so much more believable.
We have decided to film at this door to as it is transparent, and so we can see the outside before she runs to it and possibly after she runs out of it. When it closes behind her we are still able to see her silhouette therefore making the shot able to last longer in one place.
We have used these lockers and corridor for her rush out of the hospital, we have decided to use these green lockers to later signify greed and envy during the movie and to show that whatever is in this locker could possibly bring problems.

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